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New Year's journal prompts + inspirational wallpapers

In 2020, we adapted to a “new normal” that still feels far from it. We know life won’t simply reset on January 1, but that doesn’t mean we can’t set new goals, dream new dreams and prepare for a new chapter. Like every new year before it, how we take on 2021 is up to us.

If you’re eager to make your New Year’s resolutions, we’re right there with you! Just remember, when setting goals reflection is just as important as resolution. Thinking about where we’ve been helps us appreciate the good experiences we’ve had while also better understanding the changes we want to make.

If you’re not sure what you want your 2021 resolutions to be yet, try writing them out! We’ve created journal prompts inspired by 8 areas of life people typically make resolutions in, from family to career and everything in between. Focus on one category that speaks to you, or dive into each. Use the prompts to reflect on what that area of your life looked like in 2020 as well as the goals you have for it in 2021.    

If you’re looking to start something new, be inspired or make extra income in the new year, learn more about Thirty-One’s mission, values and how to start your very own independent business with us today!

And for a daily dose of inspiration and motivation, download these custom wallpapers for your phone or desktop. After all, a little reminder to crush your goals and chase your dreams never hurt!


1. Journal Prompts for Home

Reflecting on 2020:

  • What did “home” look like for you in 2020? Did you move? Or maybe buy a house?
  • Did you redecorate or declutter?

Goals for 2021:

  • Are there changes you’d like to make, like moving or buying your first home?
  • Are there any home projects you plan to tackle?


2. Journal Prompts for Family

Reflecting on 2020:

  • How did family play a part in 2020 for you?
  • Did you welcome anyone new to the family, like a baby, pet or partner?
  • How did the way you spend time with family change?
  • What challenged your family?

Goals for 2021:

  • What would you like your relationship with family to look like in 2021?
  • What changes will you make when it comes to family?


3. Journal Prompts for Physical health

Reflecting on 2020:

  • What parts of your health did you prioritize in 2020?
  • What successes did you have with your health? What challenges did you face?

Goals for 2021:

  • Do you have any specific physical milestones you want to reach?
  • Are there any heathy habits you want to implement?
  • Are there unhealthy habits you want to quit or cut back?


4. Journal Prompts for Mental health

Reflecting on 2020:

  • How did you feel mentally in 2020?
  • Did you experience significant stress or worry?
  • What challenges did you face with your mental health?
  • What actions did you take to support your mental health? 

Goals for 2021:

  • What specific actions will you take to support your mental health?
  • How do you want to feel in 2021?


5. Journal Prompts for Relationships

Reflecting on 2020:

  • How did your friendships change in 2020? How did they stay the same?
  • Did you start, end or continue any relationships?
  • Did you have any milestone moments with your spouse, partner or friends?
  • What did your social life look like?

Goals for 2021:

  • What relationships do you want to prioritize in 2021?
  • What changes would you like to make in your relationship or friendships?
  • Are there any new relationships you plan to pursue or old relationships you want to let go of?


6. Journal Prompts for Career

Reflecting on 2020:

  • What kind of work did you do?
  • Is the work you’re currently doing the work you want to be doing?
  • Does your work feel fulfilling?
  • Did you make any big career changes in 2020?
  • What challenges did you face in your work?
  • What do you want to get out of your career?

Goals for 2021:

  • What changes do you want to make in your career?
  • What steps will you take to make career changes?
  • What are your short-term work goals?
  • What are your long-term career goals? 


7. Journal Prompts for Hobbies

Reflecting on 2020:

  • Did you pick up any new hobbies in 2020?
  • Did you stop any hobbies? Why?
  • Were there any hobbies you wanted to try but didn’t?

Goals for 2021:

  • What hobbies or activities bring you joy?
  • What new skills would you like to develop?
  • What activities do you want to make more time for or be more consistent in?
  • Is there anything new you’d like to learn? 


8. Journal Prompts for Finance

Reflecting on 2020:

  • What were your spending habits in 2020?
  • What were your saving habits?
  • Did you have any financial goals?

Goals for 2021:

  • Are you saving for anything specific?
  • How much do you want to save?
  • What spending habits do you want to change?
  • Are there any investments you want to make?
  • Are there any bills or loans you want to pay off?