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Hi, nice to meet you!

Hi!  Welcome to my website.  If you are a new visitor to the site or a Thirty-One fan thanks for stopping by to do a little shopping.  My name is Aimee Newton, I am an Independent Director with Thirty-One Gifts! I started my journey with Thirty-One in October of 2012. I was introduced to the products back in 2011 though my high school friend who is now a Senior Director for Thirty One.  I was instantly addicted in 2011 but had too much on my plate to commit to being a Consultant, but in April of 2012 after an accident which made it so I could not do play my true passion any more (VOLLEYBALL), I decided it was time to supplement my income.  I loved Thirty One and just decided one day it was time to make a change in my life and just bought the enrollment kit.  I love everything and I figured others would too, so I decided to sell it!  I love meeting new people and having some girl time!  Thirty-One has been great with supplementing my income and allowing my family to get some “extras”.

Interested in earning some extra spending money or a large paycheck? Thirty-One may be the answer! My team is growing more and more every day and we would love to have you be a part of it!  Enrollment kits are just $99....It comes with products you can use every day and show off to friends and family! Also included is all of your business materials to get you started in the right direction! Take the leap and go to,  click join my team! You start to earn 25% commission on all your sales, there is no waiting period! The kit  is just $99.  Want to see what specifically comes in the kit?  Email me or call and I will be sure to get that information right out to you!  Don't let this opportunity pass you by!

Call or email me with more questions. – (315) 730-9831 

Aimee Newton
