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Hi, nice to meet you!

Welcome to my website with Thirty-One!
It's been almost five years that I have been a consultant for Thirty-One! Though my busy life doesn't allow me to be as active as I would like selling Thirty-One, I still believe that the quality of the products are stellar, relevant and worth my staying involved. My other reason for continuing with Thirty-One is to empower other women on my team to have their own business. Besides the starter kit that new consultants get when they join, those on my team are able to use my inventory (I have 90% of the catalog) for their parties since we live where everyone wants to see, feel and touch what they see in the catalog. 
So, if you live in my area and want to host a party, but don't want to have it at your home, the party can be done at my house - you just invite your friends and you will reap the rewards of the great hostess gifts they give!  If you're looking to supplement your income, let me know.

Cathy "Cats" Anderson

Catharine Anderson
