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Hi, nice to meet you!

My name is Lisa Harvey and I am an Executive Director with Thirty-One Gifts.  I joined Thirty-One in January of 2010.  I saw a bag (the large utility tote) at a scrapbooking event I attended.  I requested a catalog from the home office and I fell in love with the products.  I joined in hopes that I could sell the bags at my scrapbooking events. 

Little did I know that EVERYONE I came in contact with fell in love with Thirty-One just like I did.  Soon, I was doing parties for almost everyone I knew and started to build a team.

Three years later, I have a team of over 320 girls from all over the United States and I love helping them build their dreams.  I can't imagine my life without Thirty-One.  It has been a blessing to me and my family. 

If you are interested in hosting a party, seeing the products in person, or learning more about the company, then simply email me at and I can help you out.

If you LIKE it.....BUY it!                              
IF you LOVE a party!                                
IF you want it all......JOIN my team!

Lisa Harvey

Senior Director