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Hi, nice to meet you!

2024- June

Do you know WHY, I sell Thirty-One? Tonight im reflecting on all the medical appointments  we have had. I have not had to ask for one day off!

Did you know I was fired back in 2007, for using my personal time, for my kids medical appointments? 

I have met so many amazing friends through the years, I have been a consultant.  I can travel, work from home, work in the car, or even the hospital.  I love giving back to our community. 

Blessings and prayers to you all.





Many of you know that I sell Thirty-One Gifts, but do you know WHY? Do you know that my reason WHY, has changed many times? My  WHY will probably change in the future again, but part of it will always remain the same.  You see, I started selling Thirty-One just under 6 years ago, to help with the purchase of the appliances of the Habitat for Humanity house that was being built for my family. About 6 months after we moved in we needed a new to us car, car payments were not in the budget but Thirty-One helped. My income from Thirty-One, still pays the car payment but lately it is also helping pay the household bills. During this time of uncertain, lose of jobs, unenployment, stay at home, no open school building, my income helped sponsor 88 gifts (with the help of my friends and customers) for HEROS in our communities. I want to THANK my family, friends, and customers for helping me grow my WHY!  
For questions you can find out more at Julie Simply Blessed or

Julie Lisanby
