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Hi, nice to meet you!

Hello! I'm Michelle your Thirty-One Consultant. I have been with the company for 5 years and honestly it was the best leap I took!
My story may sound familiar. I was unhappy at my job and kept buying so much Thirty-One that I decided to buy a kit because it was a really good deal! My sponsor offered to do my launch party and I thought why not. I could make my kit money back and be even because I was not selling. Yes I told myself that and my sponsor that several times.
Well that lasted all but a week ?? The support I received from friends and family was overwhelming and I saw that this was a means to pay off some debt so I could leave my full-time job. I’m still at my full-time job while doing Thirty-One, which a lot of consultants work full-time and do this!
I’m proud to say that I paid off most of my debt (those pesky student loans will be gone at the end of the year thanks to my full-time job)! I have been able to pay for car repairs, day trips, birthdays and vacations with my Thirty-One gig.
Along the way I have met some of the kindest, generous and friendless women and men (yes we have men who sell!) I absolutely love what I do! I love being able to brighten someone’s day, helping them come up with the perfect solution set for their needs or celebrating them.

Thirty-One is more than a bag. We are all about simplifying the day and celebrating the moment for our customers and consultants ??


Michelle Fields

Elite Consultant