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Hi, nice to meet you!

Hello and thank you so much for checking out my webpage. I am here to assist you with all your Thirty-One needs, so please feel free to reach out! I would love to hear from you!

Several years ago I was invited to a Thirty-One party. I had never heard of Thirty-One before but once I became acquainted with their products, I found them to be quite unique and something I think many people I knew would really like for themselves. Thirty-One offers products that provide style and convenience at an amazingly affordable price. From unique purses and totes to kid's item, accents for the home, & even personalizable jewelry; there is something to fit every personality and situation. Not only that but so many of the items make a great gift! The products are extremely functional and practical as well, which is something I think anyone can appreciate. Even better, many of the items can be uniquely personalized with our embroidery option which is something that many women out there are looking for--whether it's for themselves, their children, or their families. It's the icing on the cake!

Thirty-One is a relatively new company, formed in 2003. There is a lot of opportunity for growth and it's a great business opportunity for anyone looking to get into a fun and exciting business with a lot of earning potential and great rewards. Not only that but the product practically sells itself!  Thirty-One is also a faith-based company. The name "Thirty-One" is actually derived from the Old Testament, Proverbs 31 which describes a virtuous woman who exhibits hard work, wisdom, encouragement, and care for others. 

The idea of becoming a sales consultant for this company quickly grew on me. I actually was not able to attend my friend's party but was so sold on the products I saw in the magazines and what the company had to offer, that I contacted a representative to find out more information on how to become a sales consultant. If nothing else, I would think that would speak volumes in and of itself! I'd never heard of the product and didn't even attend the party--but I want to sell it!! Yes, it is that exciting in my opinion!

I especially think this is a great opportunity for me (and for you!) because the products are so unique & functional. When I went online to read reviews and consumer's thoughts on the product, I saw so much enthusiasm and excitement! There is a wide open market for what is being offered and so many out there are looking for what Thirty-One has to offer. Even better, it fits every budget! Let's face it, when it comes to "unique" that is certainly not always the case!

Perhaps you have already encountered Thirty-One and know what I am talking about, and I know there are many, many people out there who have never even seen this product! I would love to be the one to acquaint (or reacquaint) you and your friends and family with Thirty-One. If you would like to receive FREE products just by hosting a show (and have a whole lot of fun doing it!!), please contact me. Who knows?! You might just find you love it so much you want to sell it too! There is so much opportunity and I would love to welcome you to my team!

Want to be the first to hear about upcoming Customer Specials and Flash Sales? BE SURE TO CHECK ME OUT MY VIP CUSTOMER GROUP ON fACEBOOK! ...

Renae Hardt
